A look at the
Draper Sensory Method
Traditional therapies for PTS (post traumatic stress) and brain injury can be overwhelming, oppressive and fail to neutralize stress and repair the brain. That’s where equine therapy using the Draper Sensory Method comes in.
The goal of this method is to assist participants in replacing disruptive behavioral patterns with pro-social competency strategies and relational behavior patterns.

Before and After
The following are EEG scans taken from a military veteran suffering from severe PTS. The scans were taken prior to and after one 15-20 minute Draper Sensory Method neutralization session. For reference, an EEG of a non-stressed individual would show very little to no red color on the scan.
WHO: We work with veterans and civilians with mental illness, neurological disorders, and loss of behavioral, emotional and cognitive function.
WHAT: Studies have found statistically significant improvements in self-control abilities, positive decision making, ability to work through difficult relationships, and positive outlook.
WHY: Research supports that using a specific type of horse as a vehicle in implementing the DSM, which revolves around kinesiology using the scientific principles of neurophysiology and sensory integration, is the most efficient and effective way to facilitate the body-brain connection. Through specific movements of the horse the method alters the participant’s brain wave pattern from beta (stress) to the Alpha (relaxed, learning) state, thus neutralizing the stress and allowing healing to take place (see left).